This article plant disease which appears in view of at present concrete road, has analyzed the reason which the surface check appears, and the road surface transformation technology which uses to the current project in has carried on the summary and the comparison.
本工程图纸所示全部内容,包括但不限于拆除、清理、新建改建工程、装饰工程、给排水工程、工艺工程、通风空调工程、电气工程。建筑规模 建筑面积19471 m2 ;层数-地上11层,地下1层;结构类型-框剪 建筑层高 地下部分层高 夹层 2.34 m 地下1层 6.54 m 地上部分层高 地上1层 4.8 m 地上2-11层 4.5 m 机房及水箱层总高 13.51 m 建筑高度 顶高(相对标高) 50.57 m