【摘要】 分析了电力系统频率偏移和谐波对传统感 应电能表误差特性的影响。讨论了应用傅立叶变换 方法进行电力系统电能计量的必要性和可行性。并 对电网中存在高次谐波情况下的无功功率算法提出 看法。 【关键词】 傅立叶变换 电能表 谐波 Abstract The influence of frequency deviate o r har2 monics to the t radit ional k ilowat t2hour meter of elec2 t romagnet ic induct ion type is analysed in the paper. Based on the development of computer techno logy, Fourier T ransfo rmat ion may be used in power sys2 tem s. The necessity and feasibility of th is method is especially discussed, by wh ich an op inion about act ive power calculat ion including harmonics is p ropo sed. Key words fourier t ransfo rmat ion k ilowat t2hour meter harmonics