通过VRV系统在公共文化娱乐建筑的设计实例,介绍了数码空调多联机系统与新风换气系统、消防防排烟系统相结合的优化空调设计方案,满足了该建筑空调系统的舒适性要求、节能要求和消防要求,为今后同类建筑采用VRV空调系统设计提供可借鉴的经验。 Based on an example of public buildings, this paper introduces a optimized design of air conditioning system with the combination of Digital Variable Multi-link (DVM) air conditioning system, fresh air system, and fire control and protection system. It can meet the demand on indoor comfort, energy conservation, and fire protection. The design can provide a reference for VRV air conditioning system design of similar buildings.