The rapid pace1 of technological development shows no sign of slowing. Technological development has had and is still having a big impact on Substation Automation Systems. Nowadays, with the move towards electrical utility deregulation throughout the world, it is imperative to exploit the latest trends. Utilities and industry must be able to provide an even more efficient and cost-effective service. They must ultimately optimise their assets and stay ahead of the competition. This paper describes, by reflecting back on Substation Automation history, today’s developments and how users could utilise them in their Substation Automation Systems. In addition a summary of the gained benefits is given and some references are shown. Keynote Words: Substation Automation Systems, electric Utility
内容简介 本工程为110kV变电站全套综合自动化系统设计,设计范围包括:35kV出线保护监控接线、110kV线路保护监测接线、110/35/10kV主变保护监控接线、中央信号接线、数据通信控制接线、屏柜平面布置等。(附材料表)
部分图纸名称: 110KV线路交流电流电压回路图 110KV电压互感器回路图 110KV线路操作直流回路图 110KV线路保护屏接线图主变保护、测量交流回路图(一)主变计量交流回路图主变压器保护直流回路图(四)主变本体保护回路图主变高压侧操作直流回路图主变保护屏直流电源回路图主变压器保护屏(二)接线图电度表屏布置图等35KV/10KV所有图纸,共56张