① 模板要保证工程结构和构件各部分形状尺寸和相互位置准确。
② 施工前应做好模板设计,要具有足够的承载能力、刚度和稳定性,能可靠的承受住新浇筑混凝土的自重和侧压力以及在施工过程中所产生的各种荷载。
① 模板与砼的接触面应涂隔离剂,并严禁隔离剂粘污钢筋与砼接槎处。
② 模板在其支架的安装过程中,必须设置防倾覆的临时支撑。
③ 模板安装过程中,其拼缝不应漏浆且不应大于2.5mm,相邻两模板表面高低差不应大于2mm。
④ 对于跨度不小于4m的现浇钢筋砼梁板,其模板应按设计要求起拱,当设计无具体要求时,起拱高度应为跨度的1/1000—3/1000。
⑤ 固定在模板上的预埋件,预留孔洞不得遗漏且要保证安装准确牢固。
⑥ 在浇筑砼之前,模板应先浇水湿润,但模板内不应有积水,模板内的杂物要清除干净。
⑦ 模板拆除时侧模不得损坏砼构件的棱角,底模应在砼达到要求强度后方可拆除
Into the 21st century, with the civil engineering technology to development, people build a large number of various types of reinforced concrete buildings and structures. In these reinforced concrete structures, structural cracks, the quality is a very common problem, a serious impact to the project has been the use and safety is a need to explore and resolve technical problems. In recent years, despite the cracks caused the industry's attention, but have not yet been solved.