This study presents a nonlinear optimization technique (NOT) for conducting the back analyses of geotechnical engineering problems
based on the field observations. Additional auxiliary techniques are incorporated to enhance the convergence and stability of the NOT.
The developed NOT and additional auxiliary techniques are incorporated into a finite element code and then applied to the back analysis
of excavation-induced wall deflection. A number of hypothetical excavation cases with various scenarios of stratigraphy and two quality
excavation case histories are used to validate the developed NOT, in which the dominant soil parameters are treated as target parameters.
Results show that the wall deflections of all hypothetical and actual excavation cases at each stage can be accurately and efficiently backfigured.
SmartDraw Professional Plus 是一款绝对不用多说的、专业的图、表设计、制作、管理、转换软件。可以用它轻松设计、制作、管理、转换各种图表,剪辑画,实验公式,流程图等等。随带的图库里包含数万个示例、数万个符号和形状供你直接套用(当然,你还可以去该公司的网站下载更多的符号和外形。总量达数百兆之巨,充分满足你制作各类图表的需要。)。其独特之连结器具有随机移动功能,不易断线。内含多种模型,可直接套用或修改。
Abstract--COD and nitrogen balances were performed on four different types of laboratory-scale activated sludge system: aerobic, anoxic, anoxic-aerobic and anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic (biological excess phosphorus removal systems). The systems included a variety of configurations, with differing wastewater characteristics and operating parameters. The results suggest that good COD balances are to be expected in aerobic and anoxic-aerobic systems. Systems incorporating anaerobic zones exhibit low COD balances (less than 80%). Fermentation in the anaerobic zone apparently is implicated in this "loss" of COD. The consequences of the COD "loss" include both a significant decrease in oxygen requirements and in sludge production compared to aerobic or anoxic-aerobic systems. Possible mechanisms for the loss of COD and areas which require further study are discussed.
不错的制图软件,SmartDraw 是世界级专业的图表制作软件。可以用它轻松制作组织机构图、流程图、地图、房间布局图、数学公式、统计表、化学分析图表、解剖图表等等。随带的图库里包含数百个示例、数千个符号和外形供你直接套用,你还可以去该公司的网站免费下载更多的符号和外形。总量达数百兆级之巨,充分满足你制作各类图表的需要。 6.0 版本新增加了内部图象处理功能以及徒手画功能,本版本是 Professional Plus 版,