BetterWMF has been designed to help you inserting AutoCAD drawings into other applications, for example into MS-Word documents.After loading BetterWMF you use the regular commands to open a drawing in AutoCAD and to Copy and paste the picture.BetterWMF will automatically improve the pasted picture without further user interaction. Except for the results you will not notice it is there.
viewcompanion pro是挪威Software Companions公司重磅推出的一款文档转换器和plt文件查看器,可以查看、转换、标记和打印HPGL、HPGL/2、CGM、TIFF、CALS、BMP、JPEG和PNG图像文件。小编在这里提供的是viewcompanion pro 8.23破解版下载,已经对其进行完美破解,用户可以无限制免费使用。该软件界面简洁大方,使用操作方便,不但可以查看PLT文件,而且支持批量将PLT文件格式转换为PDF文件,并且能够对其进行编辑,包括放大、缩小、移动、测量、加入文本等等操作。