摘要 本文介绍了轻质混凝土墙板系统实用新型技术开发及应用前景。该系统采用轻质混凝土龙骨与轻质混凝土墙板组合成一种新型轻质墙体。龙骨和墙板采用轻质材料制成,重量轻、安装迅速,可以在现场切割,成墙工效高、工序少,墙面平整,可免去抹灰层,节约材料,属于一种节能环保型的新型墙板系统。本技术专利权人刘东轩高级工程师已获得实用新型专利,专利号:ZL01263968.0,专利授权日:2003.01.29。该产品已在多个酒店、别墅项目中成功运用。 关键词 轻质龙骨墙板 环保材料 施工技术 干式作业 装配化 ABSTRACT The paper introduces the application and the development of light concrete wall panel system. Prefabricated light concrete frame and light concrete panel are applied in the system. The frame and the wall are made of light aggregate concrete. They are light, easy to be cut in different shapes. Meanwhile, the system is with good efficiency to form walls and the walls are fair-faced . It means no extra plastering needed. So it is a energy-saving and environment-protective product. It has been applied in many hotel or villa projects. The patent holder: Mr. Liu Dongxuan, a senior engineer. Patent No.: ZL01263968.0,Awarded Date: 2003.01.2.
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