SBS 改性沥青防水卷材,是国内最新型的建筑防水材料,填补了国内建筑防水的一项空白。它具有一般纸胎沥青油毡不可比拟的优点,高温不流淌、低温柔度好、耐疲劳、抗老化、韧性强、弹性好、防水性能优异、施工操作简单、环境适应广、造价低、荷重轻、维修量小且方便,有效防水年限达15年以上,延长了维修周期,有效节约大量资金。
Based on an example of public buildings, this paper introduces a optimized design of air conditioning system with the combination of Digital Variable Multi-link (DVM) air conditioning system, fresh air system, and fire control and protection system. It can meet the demand on indoor comfort, energy conservation, and fire protection. The design can provide a reference for VRV air conditioning system design of similar buildings.