SEMI-EMPIRICAL PROCEDURES FOR EVALUATING LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL DURING EARTHQUAKES Abstract—Semi-empirical procedures for evaluating the liquefaction potential of saturated cohesionless soils during earthquakes are re-examined and revised relations for use in practice are recommended. The stress reduction factor rd , earthquake magnitude scaling factor for cyclic stress ratios ( MSF ), overburden correction factor for cyclic stress ratios ( K ), and the overburden normalization factor for penetration resistances ( CN ) are discussed and recently modified relations are presented. These modified relations are used in re-evaluations of the SPT and CPT case history databases. Based on these re-evaluations, revised SPT- and CPT-based liquefaction correlations are recommended for use in practice. In addition, shear wave velocity based procedures and the approaches used to evaluate the cyclic loading behavior of plastic fine-grained soils are discussed.