本文以BIM(建筑信息模型Building Information Modeling)技术为研究对象,以BIM技术的发展给施工技术的发展为核心,重点阐述了BIM技术将给施工带来的重要影响。文章首先从BIM技术的概念和主要内容入手,深入分析了BIM技术在整个建筑生命期中,对于质量、进度、成本、安全的控制及促进作用。简述了BIM模型信息的完备性、关联性、一致性等特征,以及解决建筑领域信息化的瓶颈问题。论述了BIM施工阶段的应用,从施工的成本、质量、进度、安全、信息管理等方面阐述BIM的应用价值。作为技术负责人,重点介绍了BIM技术在施工技术管理中的应用。
Into the 21st century, with the civil engineering technology to development, people build a large number of various types of reinforced concrete buildings and structures. In these reinforced concrete structures, structural cracks, the quality is a very common problem, a serious impact to the project has been the use and safety is a need to explore and resolve technical problems. In recent years, despite the cracks caused the industry's attention, but have not yet been solved.