《钢结构》 2009年12期
摘要 本文根据某北美风格轻钢结构别墅在某房地产开发项目的应用实例。从建筑构造和结构方面详细介绍了轻钢结构别墅墙体做法、楼地面做法、屋面及檐口做法、门窗、保温隔热、隔音、防火、防锈、柱与基础梁连接、梁柱节点、屋面汇交钢结构节点等关键节点做法并总结实践经验。
ABSTRACT The paper introduces a light steel structure case, which applied in a north-American style villa project and presents the key joints from both construction and structure aspects-details of floors, details of walls, details of roof, insulation, anti-corrosin,fireproofing,conncetions of beam and column, roof steel structure joints,etc and other good experince of construction.
KEY WORDS Light steel structure villa, environment sensitive villas, construction techniques, dry application , assemblage