2.1简介Brief Introduction (1)工程名称:年产40 万吨二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯(MDI)项目 Project Name: BASF Chongqing MDI integration Project. (2)地址: (3) Location: Yanjia town longevity area Chongqing city, longevity chemical industry parks turn north 2 road (4)本工程为装置重庆项目的建筑物(1),包括6个单体建筑物:C235转换室/机柜间、B225转换室/机柜间、B226紧急发电机棚、B345转换室/机柜间、B360物流中心、B365冷冻机房。建设规模约12000平方米 This project is BASF MDI Unit Chongqing Project building(1), including six following buildings: C235 Switch Room/Rack Room、B225 Switch Room/Rack Room、B226 Emergency Diesel Generator Shelter 、B345 Switch Room/Rack Room、B360 Logistics Center、B365 Freezing Machine Room. The total area is about 12,000㎡. NO. Bldg Code Activity Name 1 C235 Switch Room/Rack Room 转换室/机柜间 2 B225 Switch Room/Rack Room 转换室/机柜间 3 B226 Emergency Diesel Generator Shelter 紧急发电机棚 4 B345 Switch Room/Rack Room 转换室/机柜间 5 B360 Logistics Center 物流中心 施工范围 Construction Scope 施工范围为:包括建筑结构,建筑,暖通,隔热,屋面,防火,火警,建筑电气及照明,室内水供应及排水,室内洗澡间热水供应,围墙及非生产系统的设备等材料的供应及安装。 Construction Scope contracted is: including supply and installation of equipments and materials of foundation of building, structure, architecture, HVAC, insulation, roof, fire protection, fire alarm, electrical, lighting, Indoor water supply and drainage, indoor shower hot water supply, walls and non production system equipment and other materials supply and installation. 工程建筑概况 各单体建筑的建筑尺寸如下: NO. Activity Name 建筑面积(M2) 长(m) 宽(m) 高(m) 1 C235 Switch Room/Rack Room 转换室/机柜间 1251.6 32.2 28 9.2 2 B225 Switch Room/Rack Room 转换室/机柜间 1323.5 25.2 33 9.2 3 B226 Emergency Diesel Generator Shelter 紧急发电机棚 75 5 15 5 4 B345 Switch Room/Rack Room 转换室/机柜间 690.2 17 28.9 8.7 5 B360 Logistics Center 物流中心 7979.7 85 102 8.2 6 B365 Freezing Machine Room 冷冻机房 372 内外墙:本工程内外墙体采用水泥空心砖墙、岩棉夹芯板墙面。 Exterior & Interior Wall: Internal and external wall with cement hollow brick, rock cotton sandwich panel wall surface. 屋顶及防水: 本工程屋面采用自粘聚合物改性沥青防水卷材、聚氯乙烯弹性防水涂料、挤塑聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料板、压型钢板屋面。 Roof and Waterproof: roof with Self-adhesion Polymer Modified Asphalt Waterproof Sheet Scroll, PVC Elastic Waterproof Painting, XPS board, profiled steel sheet roof. 吊顶:本工程吊顶采用T型轻钢龙骨矿棉板吊顶,铝合金方板吊顶。 Suspended Ceiling: T shape light steel keel mineral wool board ceiling, aluminium alloy square board ceiling. 楼地面: 本工程楼地面采用水泥砂浆面层、细石混凝土面层、地毯面层、耐酸地砖地面、地砖面层、金属骨料耐磨地面面层、防静电活动地板面层、环氧砂浆地面。 Flooring: Flooring will be cement mortar, fine concrete, carpet, acid resisting tile, floor tile, metal aggregates abrasion resistant, anti-static movable floor, epoxy mortar. 工程结构概况 NO. Activity Name Foundation structure form Mainly structure form Floor height (m) Bldg. area (M2) 1 C235 Switch Room/Rack Room RC RC frame 3.3/5.3 1251.6 2 B225 Switch Room/Rack Room RC RC frame 3.3/5.3 1323.5 3 B226 Emergency Diesel Generator Shelter RC Steel structure 5 75 4 B345 Switch Room/Rack Room RC RC frame 2.8/4.5 690.2 5 B360 Logistics Center RC Steel structure 8.37/3.8/4.5 7979.7 6 B365 Freezing Machine Room RC RC frame 4.5 372 2.3编制依据References 巴斯夫MDI装置重庆项目工程合同文件及附件。 BASF MDI Unit Chongqing Project contract documents and appendixes. 业主提供的图纸 FDN Bidding Drawing Provided by Owner 业主要求的标准 Specification Provided by Owner 建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准 (GB 50300-2001) Unified Standard for Constructional Quality Acceptance of Building Engineering GB 50300 建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范(GB50202-2002) Construction Quality Acceptance Specification for Construction Sub-grade Foundation Work GB50202-2002 混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范(GB50204-2002) Construction Quality Acceptance Specification for Concrete Structure Work GB50204-2002 工程测量规范(GB50026-2007) Code for engineering surveying GB500026-2007 钢筋机械连接通用技术规程JGJ107-2010 General Technology Sequence of Rebar Mechanical SplicingJGJ107-2010 3工作安排Work Schedule 3.1项目组织机构图Project Organization Chart 项目组织机构图见附件 Project Organization Chart (See Attachment two) 3.2质量管理Quality Management 3.2.1质量目标 Quality Targets 项目整体施工质量目标应满足业主,合同以及现行政府标准。 During overall construction, the quality must be meet to requirement of actual Government Standard & Client’s specification and contract. 以下三点必须满足: The following 3 Points of 100 percent in this project must be achieved. 工程验收通过率达100%。 Acceptance rate for engineering must be 100%. 合同执行率达100%。 The rate of contract execution must be 100% 业主满意度达100%。 The rate of client satisfaction must be 100% 以上百分百达标率应受控在国家施工质量验收标准和中化七建企业质量管理体系之内。 The above 100 percentages shall be achieved and controlled as per national construction quality acceptance standards and CC-7 Corporation quality management system.
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