本工程共有碳钢管道7581m,碳钢管道焊接是本工程施工的重点,直接影响施工质量的好坏,所以我们应高度重视,保证工程的施工质量。 Carbon steel piping in this project is 7581 meter long, so welding work for carbon steel piping is one of the most important work in the construction. We will pay high attention on this, to guarantee quality of this project.
内容简介 本工程涉及三个变电站,分别是现有的220/35kV A472变电站、现有的35/10kV B301S变电站以及新建的35/10kV C581变电站,工作内容为三个变电站之间和从三个变电站接至MV用户的电力电缆、控制电缆、接地电缆敷设所需电缆沟的开挖工程。The project involves three substations, namely the existing 220/35kV A472 substation, the existing 35/10kV B301S the 35/10kV C581 substation and a new substation. This is the power, control and grounding cable trench excavation project among three substations and for MV users connected to the three substations.
项目名称: 本工程涉及三个变电站,分别是现有的220/35kV A472变电站、现有的35/10kV B301S变电站以及新建的35/10kV C581变电站,工作内容为三个变电站之间和从三个变电站接至MV用户的电力电缆、控制电缆、接地电缆敷设所需电缆沟的开挖工程。The project involves three substations, namely the existing 220/35kV A472 substation, the existing 35/10kV B301S the 35/10kV C581 substation and a new substation. This is the power, control and grounding cable trench excavation project among three substations and for MV users connected to the three substations.
项目名称: 本工程涉及三个变电站,分别是现有的220/35kV A472变电站、现有的35/10kV B301S变电站以及新建的35/10kV C581变电站,工作内容为三个变电站之间和从三个变电站接至MV用户的电力电缆、控制电缆、接地电缆敷设所需电缆沟的开挖工程。The project involves three substations, namely the existing 220/35kV A472 substation, the existing 35/10kV B301S the 35/10kV C581 substation and a new substation. This is the power, control and grounding cable trench excavation project among three substations and for MV users connected to the three substations.
3) 由C581引出10路10kV线路,分别为A507的四台变压器,B551的两台变压器,B553TDA装置氢气压缩机2台,C521盐酸装置氯气压缩机1台,盐酸压缩机1台提供电源。其中,变压器回路采用10kV截面为185mm2的三芯铠装电缆,马达回路采用10kV截面为95mm2的三芯铠装电缆。以上电缆线路均沿规划路径埋地敷设。10 10kV lines led from C581 are used to supply power to A507's four transformers, B551 two transformers, B553TDA 2 sets of hydrogen compressor unit, C521 hydrochloric acid chlorine gas compressor unit, and hydrochloric acid compressor unit respectively. Among them, transformer circuit uses x 3-core armored cable with 10kV cross-section 185mm2, motor circuit uses three-core armored cable with 10kV cross-section 95mm2. All cable lines will be laid underground along the planning path.