Based on an example of public buildings, this paper introduces a optimized design of air conditioning system with the combination of Digital Variable Multi-link (DVM) air conditioning system, fresh air system, and fire control and protection system. It can meet the demand on indoor comfort, energy conservation, and fire protection. The design can provide a reference for VRV air conditioning system design of similar buildings.
A 防水混凝土的原材料、外加剂及予埋件等必须符合设计要求和施工规范要求。 B 防水混凝土必须密实,抗压强度和抗渗等级必须符合设计要求(抗渗等级要求大于S6以上)。 C 施工缝,变形缝、止水带(片)、穿墙管件、支模铁件等设置和构造必须符合设计要求和施工规范规定。严禁有渗漏。 D 混凝土表面平整,无露筋、蜂窝等缺陷。予埋件的位置标高正确。