6.6 Construction Manager. Immediately upon award of contract, the Construction Manager will be appointed to take control of all site construction activities. a) He will be responsible to Site Manager. Refer to site organizational chart, his team consists of: (to be updated as required) -Civil & Structure Team -Mechanical Team -Electrical Team -I&C Team -Painting and Insulation Team -Shop Fabrication Team Each team is headed with a specialty team manager who reports to Construction Manager. b) The Construction Manager will work closely to control schedule and quality of site works. He shall take adjustment for any deviation from key completion date. c)He will coordinate the work sequence of each team manager and each specialty engineer. d)He will be in charge in the implementation of project safety procedures. Safety is the primary concern of his works. e)He shall liaise with QA/QC Manager for daily construction inspections. f)He will be fully responsible for technical communication and coordination with the Project Manager/ Site Manager and engineer, developing and reviewing the technical document such as drawings, specifications and procedures, interpreting and clarifying all the technical details to the project members, providing technical direction or instruction to quality personnel involved, proposing and reviewing corrective actions, conducting field engineering such as technical adaptation.
本次招标为三期物流仓库施工III标段,共有物流中心二、四两个物流仓库和装卸货高架平台。物流中心二平面尺寸为192.80m×99.80m,物流中心四为172.80m×99.80m。均为两层建筑(管理用房部位局部四层)。主体一层采用预应力混凝土结构,二层为钢砼框架结构,屋顶采用轻钢屋面,层高8.10m。一层梁采用后张法有粘结预应力体系,板后张法无粘结预应力体系,一层框架柱间隔设置钢柱与屋顶轻钢相连,基础采用预应力管桩。采用建筑地坪仓库区域为耐磨地坪,其它辅助区为防滑地砖,办公区为PVC地板或复合木地板。建筑外墙采用彩钢压型板及局部彩钢夹芯板,内墙为砂加气砼墙板防火墙。屋面采用镀铝锌成型彩板,并设10%采光带。门窗采用彩色铝合金门窗。装卸货高架平台采用跨度10.2+22.0+10.0米,两端各悬挑3.0米,柱距最大处为13.5米的柱网,平台板标高7.70米,层高9.00米。平台结构形式采用现浇预应力砼框架,主梁和次梁均采用预应力混凝土梁。本次招标安装工程主要包括给排水系统、通风空调系统、电气系统(含强弱电系统、照明系统、供配电系统)等。给排水系统分给水系统、室内消防系统、纯水系统、污水系统、雨水系统。电力系统设计包括电力配电系统、照明配电系统、接地系统。另外还包括消防报警系统、防雷接地系统、电信系统等。 本施工组织设计编制于2007年