本合同由如上列明的甲、乙双方按照《中华人民共和国合同法》、《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》以及国家相关法律法规的规定,结合本合同具体情况,于xx年x月x日在xx签订。 This contract is signed by the two Parties in xxxx on xxxx according to the “Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China”, the “Regulation on Building and Installation Contracting Contract”, and other relevant national laws and regulations, as well as the specific nature of this project
镀锌钢管明敷设 Open Lay of Galvanized Steel Pipe 本工程明敷设钢管均采用了镀锌钢管明敷设工艺。 All open-lay steel pipes in the project adopt the open-lay technology of galvanized steel pipe.
内容简介 1、镀锌钢管明敷设 Open Lay of Galvanized Steel Pipe 本工程明敷设钢管均采用了镀锌钢管明敷设工艺。 All open-lay steel pipes in the project adopt the open-lay technology of galvanized steel pipe. (1)工艺流程 Technological process: (2)可上人的吊顶内以及不封闭式竖井通道内的配管为明配管,其管路走向及支架固定均应按明配管要求施工。 The distributing pipe in suspended ceilings that can be entered into and shaft passages that are not closed is open. Both its pipeline direction and support fixture should construct according to requirements of open distributing pipes. (3)按设计要求用冷煨法把管子煨出所需的弯度,20mm以下管径的管子用手板煨管器,25mm以上管径用液压煨管器(或专用煨管器),煨弯处凹扁度应符合规范规定。 Use the simmering method to simmer pipes with a necessary bend according to design requirements. Pipes that the pipe diameter is less than 20mm may adopt a palm simmer pipe machine. Pipes that the pipe diameter is more than 25mm may use a hydraulic simmer pipe machine (or special simmer pipe machine). The concavity at simmering bends should accord with specifications and regulations.