By resorting to Fourier transform, the equations of motion for the soil-asymmetric structure-active multiple-tuned mass dampers (AMTMD) interaction system are developed in the frequency domain under the ground acceleration. The criterion for searching the optimum parameters of the AMTMD is selected as the minimization of the minimum values of the maximum displacement dynamic magnification factors (DMF) of the asymmetric structure with the AMTMD. The estimation criterion of the effectiveness of the AMTMD is chosen as the ratio of the minimization of the minimum values of the maximum displacement DMF of the asymmetric structure with the AMTMD to the maximum displacement DMF of the asymmetric structure without the AMTMD. Employing these two criteria, the parametric studies for the influences of the normalized eccentricity ratio (NER), torsional to translational frequency ratio (TTFR), stiffness ratio of the soil relative to the structure.
对于小箱梁横桥向橡胶垫块和T形梁桥所有的橡胶垫块,全部取消其预埋钢板及锚固钢筋,同时增设固定角钢将橡胶垫块固定;而对于小箱梁顺桥向橡胶垫块,仅取消部分预埋钢板和锚固钢筋。 …… 共计14张