?工程名称:***风电临港500MW 叶片和机舱项目 Project Name: *** Lingang 500MW Blade and Nacelle Project ?建设单位:风力发电叶片***(上海)有限公司 Building Company: *** WIND POWER BLADE (SHANGHAI) Co. LTD. ?设计单位: Design Company: 管理顾问: Administrative Consultant: ?建设地点:上海****新城**园区**路以西、**路以南地块。 Construction site: site locates west to **Road and south to**Road, both roads are within *** Zone of ****, ***District, Shanghai. ?工程规模:Project Scale 项目占地总面积为34771.04m2,该工程总建筑面积约为40770.05m2本工程项目由1#、2#生产厂房、卫门喷漆间、垃圾间及自行车棚,室外道路及绿化工程等。 The project has an area of 34771.04m2 in total and a building area of 40770.05m2. The project comprises the constructions of 1# and 2# production buildings, guardhouses, spraying shop, garbage house and bicycle shed, as well as outdoor roads and greening engineering.
本标段起点里程为DK119+350,终点里程为DK129+300,全长9.9475km,铁路等级:I级,正线数目单线,限制坡度12.5‰,最小曲线半径: 800m,困难地段550m,牵引种类:内燃,限界予留电化条件,机车类型DF4D,牵引定数3500t,到发线有效长度:880m,闭塞类型:半自动, **铁路项目第*标段全长9.9475正线公里,主要工程项目有区间路基土石方工程、桥梁工程(特大桥1座,大桥5座,中桥5座)、隧道工程(11座)、涵洞工程(21座)等。